Terms of Business

These terms of business apply to the services you have engaged us to provide under the engagement letter. Our engagement letter and these terms of business form the entire agreement between VBD Pty Ltd ("VBD Business, Tax & Wealth Advisers" "VBD" “us”, “we”, “our”) and the person or entity named in or to whom the engagement letter is addressed (“you”, “your”) in relation to the services (“Agreement”). The Agreement replaces any earlier agreements, representations or discussions. If anything in these terms of business is inconsistent with our engagement letter, our engagement letter takes precedence.

You may accept this Agreement by doing one or more of the following:
  1. signing these terms of business or the engagement letter in which these terms were referred or attached; or
  2. continuing to instruct us after receiving this Agreement; or
  3. orally.
On acceptance of this Agreement you agree to pay for our services on these terms outlined below: